From 2nd August to 29th October, I have been an Intern of Don Bosco Youth-Net thanks to the selection of SEND Mobility Consortium. The internship was mostly related upon communication management, as described in the Learning Agreement Traineeship, and devoted to the development of specific competences and knowledge, such as: learning about the Organisation and its operations and aims, as well as the European mainframe; being aware of how the team works, of the tasks and the relations between the network; developing skills in social communication, in particular towards young people from different backgrounds and origins.
During the internship I developed my skill in social media management and in the creation of content targeted to different kind of audience. I became more aware of the role of a Sociologist into a big organization such as DBYN. I have put in practice my study about public communication, organizations, group theory, and data, for example by inquiring how to improve the “public cyberspace” of the organization, such as the website and the social media, and how to make them closer to the target expectations, also by spreading survey ad hoc. Carrying out different social media campaigns, trying different kind of contents to test the audience, being involved in the process behind the events of DBYN was a highly formative experience, that helped me to know better which could be my professional profile and role in such organizations.
The best part of the internship, besides the skills acquired, has surely been the human relations between the team and the whole network. I found the staff really supportive and always ready to give me advice and answer my questions, even when overworked. Especially the general Secretariat, Aubérie, who was my Tutor, has always been opened to listen to my ideas and suggestions, making me feel truly part of the team, and of the DBYN family. Without the kindness of these people my internship could have been quite different.
To conclude, I think that doing this internship at the DBYN has been an enriching experience. I would recommend it to all the young people who want to spend themselves doing something great for the community. No matter which field, country, personal experience you are coming from, you can be sure to feel really useful to the others, and surrounded by the best team you can dream of.
So, DBYN team and family, keep it up, and see you next time!
Viviana Condorelli, student at University of Catania
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