A life-changing Experience to growth as Global Citizens

BySara Paolazzo

A life-changing Experience to growth as Global Citizens

Since the planning process of my mobility, I had to face the extremely difficult pandemic context, keeping constantly up to date both with my university, the hosting institution and SEND.

I received all necessary support and, even if I had to postpone my mobility of two weeks, I managed to reach the hosting institution and start my internship without any further obstacle. Naturally, I received all the info regarding the pandemic and the measures taken in the hosting country to be prepared and manage my mobility experience in the safest way possible.

The hosting institution, Culture & Media Agency Europe aisbl– CUMEDIAE, is an organisation based in Brussels working in management and communication in the cultural sector. The agency is in charge of curating and communicating several European/international cultural projects; it is also responsible of curating Culture Agora, an online platform keeping track of all relevant news and opportunities in the cultural sector around Europe; moreover, it provides consultancy services in the field.

My tasks regarded various aspects linked to management and communication going from project development to graphic design: the agency has provided me the necessary training and has allowed me to develop both my existing skills and new ones. The whole mobility period has not only reinforced my competences and strengthened the possibilities for my professional career: it has given me the possibility to encounter a new context, live in an international environment, better understand other cultures.

It has truly been a life-changing experience: everyone who has the possibility should take part in this mobility programme because, besides the working experience, these exchanges allow us to personally develop our conscience and responsibility as European and global citizens.

Davide Musco, student of Arts and Humanities at University of Pisa

About the author

Sara Paolazzo editor