Talents match: start your dream career from here!


Talents match: start your dream career from here!

Have you thought about what comes next after your Erasmus+ exchange? Do you want to put the skills you acquired during your mobility into practice? garagErasmus Foundation is  back with the Talents Match, an online event which will help you move towards your professional transition!

The Talents Match consists of an online speed interview with recruiters of different companies with open positions! 

This is how it works: 

  1. You must register your CV on the registration form, selecting one or more positions advertised on garagerasmus.org. 
  2. garagErasmus team will select the CVs that are more suitable for the positions chosen.
  3. If selected, you will be invited to join a Zoom call to have a one-to-one chat with the recruiter of the position you selected, who will not have any information about you. 
  4. You will have 10 minutes to convince them to invite you back for a full interview. 

Remember to highlight the professional and personal skills acquired and developed during your international experiences, as you will represent the Erasmus Generation and its added value!

The Talents Match will take place on 23 May (15:00h CET), via Zoom. You can find the vacancies on our website. To participate, please fill in this form. Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory and must be submitted before Tuesday 20 May 2024.

CVs MUST be of 1 page only. Those unrelated to the vacancies selected by the applicant will not be considered.

What are you waiting for? 


About the author

rsmsadmin administrator