

Organization NameInstituto de Telecomunicações

Organization Name

Instituto de Telecomunicações

Name of the organization in English

Telecommunications Institute


Instituto de Telecomunicações
Pólo 2 da Uni. de Coimbra 3030-290
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Hosting Organization Online Form

Abbrevation of the organization name


CAP / Codice postale


Via/Piazza/Corso e numero civico

Instituto de Telecomunicações


Pólo 2 da Uni. de Coimbra

VAT Number or Registration Number






Contact person

Vitor SIlva


Type of entity

Research Institute/Centre


Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Phone Number

+351 796 200


In this section you can indicate and describe the main business and activities of your organization and provide more information about your experiences in hosting international trainees. Here you can also describe your involvement in the field of Innovation, main topic of our Erasmus+ project.
Please try to be as much detailed as possible, in order to facilitate the matching with the most suitable candidate/s according to your organization’s needs.

*What is Innovation? See the information uploaded on “Library_ Innovation”.

Main business
  • Information Technology/Computer Sciences
  • Maths & Science
  • Research
Educational/Pedagogical activities

Please describe the activities, strategies or projects of your organization related to the Social Innovation

Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) is a private, not-for-profit organization, of public interest, a partnership of nine institutions with research and development in the field of Telecommunications.

IT is actively involved in fundamental and applied research both at national and international levels. IT also plays its role towards public society with public awareness initiatives, knowledge transfer to industry, and by providing consulting services on a non-competing basis.

IT is organized around three sites, 4 branches and one external laboratory

Aveiro, in the University Campus
Coimbra, at Site II of the University of Coimbra
Lisbon, at Instituto Superior Técnico
Porto, at the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
Covilhã, at the University of Beira Interior
Leiria, at the Leiria Polytechnic
Lisbon, at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Lisbon, at Nova School of Science and Technology
Some IT researchers are located also at other Portuguese higher education institutions, namely at the universities of Algarve and Évora, and the polytechnics of Lisbon, Setúbal and Tomar.

Scientific expertise in IT, from which follow its main research and education activities, spans the Thematic Lines:

Wireless Technologies
Optics and Phtonics
Information and Data Science
Networks and Services
Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
IT members (about 200 PhD holding integrated researchers) are organized into research clusters and groups, which cover most of the R&D areas in Telecommunications and supporting sciences and technologies. IT hosts annually about 250 PhD students and about 200 MSc students.

Advanced laboratory facilities are available in most Thematic Lines of IT to support applied research, which is carried out in the framework of national and international projects in cooperation with similar research institutions worldwide. Each year IT is involved in more than 170 projects, of which about 30-40 have European funding, obtained in a competitive basis.

IT actively promotes a high level of scientific research trough a "Quality Policy", issued in 2011, which includes an annual evaluation of its members' scientific production, and a reward/sanction system. Yearly, IT scientific output nears 30 books and book chapters, 450+ papers in international scientific peer refereed journals (of which 95% in Q1+Q2 journal), 450+ papers in conference proceedings and 5+ filed patents.

Does your organization operate in the Social Innovation field?


Does your organization have any experience in hosting foreign trainees/students?


Please describe how do you normally manage traineeships

Tutoring by researchers who in most cases are also university professors


In this section you can describe the traineeship position/s you intend to offer and the soft-skills and the professional competencies you require from the trainee/s, as well as the competencies they may develop during the work experience in your organization. You can add max. 3 different traineeship offers.
Please, try to be as much detailed as possible, in order to facilitate the matching with the most suitable candidate/s according to your organization’s needs.

How many traineeship position/s do you intend to offer?


Indicate the Traineeship position/s you offer
  • Researcher

About the author
