An opportunity to learn and retrain!

BySara Paolazzo

An opportunity to learn and retrain!

Casa San Cristóbal is a socio-cultural center closely linked to the needs and concerns of the neighborhood in which it is located. Our programming includes workshops, activities and projects aimed at promoting integral training, expanding the cultural horizon and forming proactive, sensitive and inquisitive citizenship towards their surroundings, both locally and globally. We work in a multicultural environment of enormous diversity. That means incorporating young people from other countries into our team is something natural that helps us to be even more connected with the community.

For all our staff members, hosting young people from other countries means an opportunity to learn and retrain. Their ideas, their fresh look and the new perspective that newcomers always provide about the reality that surrounds us is very useful to reflect on our work processes and make decisions. Although from the beginning, we set objectives with the students and try to focus on the activities that best fit their profile or that interest them most, from the moment they enter our center they are an active part of our team. That means they have full capacity to suggest and putting forward new ideas and projects. Besides, they are an example for our youngest beneficiaries of self-improvement, effort and positive attitude to face the future challenges. In addition, our users love to meet and share experiences with new and young professionals, as we encourage all of them to engage with each other in ongoing interaction.

Incorporating foreign students into our center has helped us as a team not only to improve our linguistic skills but also to enhance our ability to adapt to change (or to be changed) to update knowledge, take on new challenges and widen our vision.

We consider it important that the impact of our projects goes beyond the local sphere. Committing to other young European students means that the outcome of our work and effort can be shared beyond our boundaries. We generate new links and useful contacts.It is being a deeply enriching experience. Thank you SEND for helping us to enjoy it.

Casa San Cristóbal, Madrid (ES)

About the author

Sara Paolazzo editor