Registration for HOs

Please, fill in the online form below, if you intend to host trainee/s in the framework of the Erasmus+ project, promoted by SEND Consortium.

The registration on SEND Mobility Platform give you the chance to be included in our hosting organizations’ database with the aim to facilitate the matching between your traineeship offer/s and our candidate/s and innovators.  Once a call for students is opened, your organization will be then contacted by the candidates and you will have the time to consider their CVs and Motivation letter and to fix with them an online interview.

After the registration, you can access, whenever and how many times you want, to your organization profile with your credentials and thus modify and/or regularly update the reported information.

For further information about SEND Mobility Platform and the project see the platform page  Library_Hosting Organization”  and the “Guide Book to Registration and Profile updating.”

For any technical issue, please contact the following email address