Author Archive rsmsadmin



Dont’ miss the opportunity to take on board international talents and boost innovation around Europe


SEND, in consortium with garagErasmusand the following Italian universities, (as sending institutions): Università di Roma Tor VergataUniversità di CagliariUniversità di Napoli Federico IIUniversità di FerraraUniversità di ParmaUniversità di CataniaUniversità di PadovaUniversità Politecnica delle MarcheUniversità di PalermoUniversità degli Studi di Enna KOREUniversità Cà Foscari di Venezia, Università di PisaUniversità di Bari Aldo Moro is looking for European public or private organizations, willing to bring on board international talents!

SEND Mobility Consortium, in the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Universities for Innovation”, gives your organization the opportunity to host university students or recent graduates from I, II or III study cicle, enrolled or graduated in one of the Universities above mentioned, for an traineeship experience.

On one hand, the hosting experience may give young students and recent graduates the chance to improve their skills and raise their empoyability; on the other hand it may give your organization the chance to run into innovators and invigorate your work environment with new ideas and fresh attitudes.


The first step is the REGISTRATION on SEND Mobility Platform by describing your organization and the traineeship position/s you want to offer. You’ll be then contaced by the selected candidates and you’ll have the time see their Cvs, motivation letter and to fix with them an online interview. You will be able to choose your trainee/s according to your organization’s needs.

For further information about registration see the “Guide for Registration”.


The basic criteria to become a host organization with SEND Consortium are:

  • be a public and private organizations/enterprises/companies, Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutes officially registered in your country etc.. Agencies, bodies or institutions of the European Union are not eligible hosting organizations;
  • be based in one of the 27 UE member states plus Island, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, UK, SerbiaSwitzerland and Turkey;
  • operate in the field of Social, Economic, Technical Innovation.


Traneeiship can last min. 2 months – max. 3 months with possbility of extention up to 12 months.


All costs are covered by the project, included the insurence which covers accidents at workplace and the liability to third parties

Trainee will receive a montlhy Erasmus+ grant to cover part of the travel and subsistence costs during their mobility. The grant is compatible with any form of financial contributions provided by your organization.

Further information for Host Organizations are available HERE!

Follow us on facebook  @SENDSICILIA, follow us on InstagramLinkedin


Talents match: start your dream career from here!

Have you thought about what comes next after your Erasmus+ exchange? Do you want to put the skills you acquired during your mobility into practice? garagErasmus Foundation is  back with the Talents Match, an online event which will help you move towards your professional transition!

The Talents Match consists of an online speed interview with recruiters of different companies with open positions! 

This is how it works: 

  1. You must register your CV on the registration form, selecting one or more positions advertised on 
  2. garagErasmus team will select the CVs that are more suitable for the positions chosen.
  3. If selected, you will be invited to join a Zoom call to have a one-to-one chat with the recruiter of the position you selected, who will not have any information about you. 
  4. You will have 10 minutes to convince them to invite you back for a full interview. 

Remember to highlight the professional and personal skills acquired and developed during your international experiences, as you will represent the Erasmus Generation and its added value!

The Talents Match will take place on 23 May (15:00h CET), via Zoom. You can find the vacancies on our website. To participate, please fill in this form. Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory and must be submitted before Tuesday 20 May 2024.

CVs MUST be of 1 page only. Those unrelated to the vacancies selected by the applicant will not be considered.

What are you waiting for? 
