

Organization NameFundacion Parque Cientifico de Alicante de la Comunitat Valenciana

Organization Name

Fundacion Parque Cientifico de Alicante de la Comunitat Valenciana

Name of the organization in English

Alicante Science Park Foundation of the Valencian Community


Carrettera de San Vicente. S/N
Carrettera de San Vicente. S/N 03690
Map It

Hosting Organization Online Form

Abbrevation of the organization name


CAP / Codice postale


Via/Piazza/Corso e numero civico

Carrettera de San Vicente. S/N


Carrettera de San Vicente. S/N

VAT Number or Registration Number


PIC Number (If applicable)





Pelayo Villarejo

Contact person

Esteban Pelayo Villarejo


Type of entity



Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Phone Number

+ 34 965 90 93 10


In this section you can indicate and describe the main business and activities of your organization and provide more information about your experiences in hosting international trainees. Here you can also describe your involvement in the field of Innovation, main topic of our Erasmus+ project.
Please try to be as much detailed as possible, in order to facilitate the matching with the most suitable candidate/s according to your organization’s needs.

*What is Innovation? See the information uploaded on “Library_ Innovation”.

Main business
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Project management and design
  • Education/ Teaching/Training
  • Research
Project management and design

Cultural/Artisic activities

Human Resources management

Please describe the activities, strategies or projects of your organization related to the Social Innovation

The Alicante Science Park, located next to the university campus, is conceived as a space of excellence and innovation to encourage business-university relations and boost technology transfer and the competitiveness of the economic system. The main objective of PCA is to increase the wealth of the community by promoting the culture of innovation and the competitiveness of the companies and knowledge-generating institutions located in the park or linked to it.

The Alicante Science Park stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology between universities, research institutions, companies and markets; it encourages the creation and growth of innovative companies through incubation mechanisms and provides other value-added services as well as high quality infrastructures and facilities.PCA promotes scientific and technological development, innovation and knowledge transfer; establishes and strengthen synergies between the University of Alicante and companies; promotes and manages infrastructures and innovative spaces that encourage technological development and contributes to the economic development of the Valencian Community, improving the competitiveness of companies, technological development and innovation.

Does your organization operate in the Social Innovation field?


Does your organization have any experience in hosting foreign trainees/students?


Please describe how do you normally manage traineeships

International Department Assistant


In this section you can describe the traineeship position/s you intend to offer and the soft-skills and the professional competencies you require from the trainee/s, as well as the competencies they may develop during the work experience in your organization. You can add max. 3 different traineeship offers.
Please, try to be as much detailed as possible, in order to facilitate the matching with the most suitable candidate/s according to your organization’s needs.

How many traineeship position/s do you intend to offer?


Indicate the Traineeship position/s you offer
  • Graphic/web designer
  • Meeting, Convention, Event Planner
  • Project manager
  • Web developer/administrator
  • Marketing and Communication Responsible
  • Social Media Manager
Graphic/Web Design

About the author
