Organization NameVieira de Almeida, Sociedade de Advogados
Vieira de Almeida, Sociedade de Advogados
Vieira de Almeida, Law Firm
Rua Dom Luís I 28
Lisboa 1200-151
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Rua Dom Luís I 28
Alves Reis
Amanda Alves Reis
Law firm
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In this section you can indicate and describe the main business and activities of your organization and provide more information about your experiences in hosting international trainees. Here you can also describe your involvement in the field of Innovation, main topic of our Erasmus+ project.
Please try to be as much detailed as possible, in order to facilitate the matching with the most suitable candidate/s according to your organization’s needs.
*What is Innovation? See the information uploaded on “Library_ Innovation”.
- Law
In this section you can describe the traineeship position/s you intend to offer and the soft-skills and the professional competencies you require from the trainee/s, as well as the competencies they may develop during the work experience in your organization. You can add max. 3 different traineeship offers.
Please, try to be as much detailed as possible, in order to facilitate the matching with the most suitable candidate/s according to your organization’s needs.
- Graphic/web designer
- Account/Auditor
- Human Resources manager/Recruiter
- Project manager
- Lawyer/Legal counsellor
- Marketing and Communication Responsible
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